ashtanga yoga

Bye for now, Mysore.

Bye for now, Mysore.

Leaving India today and on my way to Toronto, with a short stop in New Jersey. I had a wonderful time in Mysore this last week. It was great to see some old friends and reconnect. The last time I was here was in 2009. So many things are the same. Lots of familiar faces and familiar places. And lots of changes too.

The Five Restraints from Classical Yoga

The Five Restraints from Classical Yoga

Yogis! One of the things I've been talking about in class this past week comes from classical yoga and the 8 limbed practice of astanga yoga, written down by Sage Patanjali around 2000 yrs ago.

Classical yoga gives us our description and systematic approach to concentration and meditation practices, leading us into a state of samadhi, a state in which the mind is quiet. When we say we are looking to "go inward" and "quiet the mind" in yoga, we are referring to classical yoga. When the mind is quiet, the classical yogis tell us, we are able to experience the most subtle aspect of who we are, the pure consciousness part of ourselves, the part of us that is beyond the body, mind, thoughts and ego.