
Shiva Meditation in Chiang Mai

Shiva Meditation in Chiang Mai

Deep relaxation with Shiva Meditation! Pranayama, yoga nidra and seated concentration. Concentration, meditation, and Samadhi are hard. Most of us need to work on the lower limbs to prepare the body to sit, prepare the mind to concentrate, and learn to turn inward and let go of the outer world. If you are not sure of what direction to take in your life? If you are not sure what intention to set and use in your practice? If you are not sure about your purpose? Start to do some more investigation and get to know yourself a little better. Start practicing! Get on your mat and the answers will come. A good practice is also to look at the 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga and think of how you could practice each one a little more than you are doing right now. Could you be a little more kind? Could you tell the truth more? Could you stop stealing on a more subtle level? Could you clean up things in your life a little more? Practice more gratitude? Could you work a little harder and go deeper into the fire? Could you study the mind a little more? Could you let go of something you’ve been holding onto? How could you deepen your asana practice this year? Maybe it’s time to introduce a pranayama or a pratyahara practice too? How could you simplify your life? The yamas and niyamas are very helpful at reducing conflict and eliminating distractions. The asana practice will help you to find more comfort in your body, cleanse and release tension, and help train your mind to focus. Pranayama will purify the energetic body and make the mind clear and sharp. How will you take your yoga off the mat this year? My teacher, Mr. Ramaswami used to say that eventually you have to take your yoga off the mat because one or two hours of practice a day will never compete with 22 hrs of living in chaos. Yoga is not asking us to be perfect, just to move forward one step at a time. Put in the effort and don’t worry about the results. Just show up and do the work.

First Workshop in Jiaxing

First Workshop in Jiaxing

Just before Christmas I taught my first workshop in the city of Jiaxing! What a great group of students at YogaWorks! Thank you to Michelle for inviting me to come and teach your students. Thank you to Skye for doing such a great job translating. And thank you to everyone who came to practice with me! We had a deep hip opening workshop and the studio was packed. I loved digging into these practices with you all and helping you find more range of motion at your hip joint. December turned out to be all about the hips! Why do we want to open the hips? To stretch and strengthen the muscles of the upper legs and pelvic region, to protect the knees and the lower back, to increase blood flow to the pelvic region, to connect the upper and lower body, to keep energy flowing smoothly to the lower extremities, to find balance and prevent injuries, to prepare the body to sit for deeper pranayama and meditation practices, and to release tension from the body, which allows us to release tension from the mind. Are your hips tight? In which direction of movement? How is this affecting your body? What are you holding onto? Do you know how to open up, which muscles need to be stretched and which muscles need to get stronger? Do you know the poses that will help you? Do you know how to protect your knees and your lower back? Look forward to seeing you at a future workshop. And hope to see you all again soon in Jiaxing! You did a great job YogaWorks yogis! Very auspicious! I practiced for years in Santa Monica with my teacher @anniecarpentersmartflow at another studio called YogaWorks. Namaste.

A Very Special Vegetarian Restaurant!

A Very Special Vegetarian Restaurant!

A week ago the producer from Yoga Journal took me to this really special vegetarian restaurant in Guangzhou after we finished our first day of shooting. Such a cool place. The menu was designed with Chinese medicine in mind. The food changes on the menu each month with the change of the season. Each course the waiter brought to us he took the time to explain all of the ingredients, where they were from, why they were chosen and how they will affect our body.

Handstand Workshop in Beijing!

Handstand Workshop in Beijing!

We’ve got a Core Strength Workshop coming up this weekend at Space in Shanghai! If you want to be able to do arm balance poses and handstands you need to have a strong core, and this doesn’t just mean the superficial abdominal muscles. Join me this weekend and learn about the function of all the core muscles on the front, back, and sides of the trunk. We touched on a little of this work in the Handstand Workshop. We even did 108 Yogi Bicycles! A very auspicious number! Thank you to everyone who came out to practice and went deep with me in this Handstand Workshop! Hope to see you in class or at a future workshop!