
Finding ways to stay positive.

Finding ways to stay positive.

We talked a lot about the mind's "negativity bias" in my recent training in the Netherlands. I wanted to write a little about it here. We did a lot of work playing with opposites as well. The yogis call this Pratipakshabhavanam. When you have a negative thought, take a moment and hold the exact opposite thought in your mind. Notice what happens. Stay present. Sit with both thoughts for a moment. How does the first thought feel in your body? How does the opposite thought feel in your body? Go back and forth. When you do this you will recalibrate and might break a pattern or get out of a rut or groove that your mind is stuck in. Try holding both thoughts at the same time. What if both thoughts were equally true?

Incredible time in the i-Rest training!

Incredible time in the i-Rest training!

Some yoga news! I had such an incredible time in the i-Rest training last week. It was really inspiring! This is a picture with our i-Rest teacher - James. Really wonderful teacher. I’m excited to teach and to integrate some of what we were learning in the training into my teaching.