Incredible time in the i-Rest training!

Some yoga news! I had such an incredible time in the i-Rest training last week. It was really inspiring! This is a picture with our i-Rest teacher - James. Really wonderful teacher. I’m excited to teach and to integrate some of what we were learning in the training into my teaching. I’ve seen a lot of people who are offering classes through zoom. I am going to look into this today. I was originally thinking I would just use these two weeks (and beyond) to just study and practice until this crisis passes — but, to be honest I really feel like I want to connect right now. I’m missing my community. I’m missing all of you! And I really want to share some things with all of you and help you find some peace of mind during this challenging time, and maybe encourage you to practice through this. If you are feeling isolated, or you’re forced to be at home and are isolated like me, I look forward to connecting with you and practicing with you. I’m going to put together a schedule and teach some daily classes for the next 2 weeks and maybe for a full month and then we will see how things have shifted after that. I’m working out the schedule now, figuring out a place where I can practice and record here at my dad’s and I need to figure out Zoom or another platform where we can connect too. I’ll keep you posted once I figure out how to use zoom and get organized. Let me know if these classes might interest you. If anybody has any advice on using zoom, or another platform that might work please let me know. I’m completely new to the platform, completely new to this way of connecting. Is there another platform or app that might be even better? I don’t know. I know doing class at home is not going to be the same as coming together in a studio but this is a good test to see how flexible we can be off the mat. And what a great way for us to use the internet — to come together and connect. We can do this! We will get through this together. Now is the time for yoga! If you are looking for a little peace and you are looking to quiet your mind and get on your mat I look forward to practicing with you.