The GarthHewittYoga community raised $80,000 for the non-profit organization Operation Shanti from 2011-2013.
Garth produced 6 yoga events, with the help of a number of Los Angeles based yoga teachers and volunteers, corporate sponsors, and hundreds of students who participated and donated for the cause which came to be known as ‘Los Angeles Rocks! Operation Shanti’.
Inspired by an increase of awareness through practicing and teaching yoga, and shocked seeing the level of poverty in Mysore, India on one of Garth’s early trips to India to practice Ashtanga Yoga with the Pathabi Jois family — Garth started this project with the idea that we all can become activists and make change, we all can come together, make a small donation, volunteer some of our time, and help each other, and that it is our responsibility as we become more aware to give back to those less fortunate than ourselves and to help those in need.
Event Photo Gallery

A Message from Garth:
Thank you to all the teachers and volunteers who helped with this project and gave so much of your time. Thank you to the corporate sponsors who provided services and gifts at each event. Thank you to the students who came to practice at these events and donated your hard earned money to support this cause. Thank you especially to the Operation Shanti organization for all the work you do. You are making a big difference in so many lives. We are grateful to have been able to contribute in a small way and be a part of your mission.
Garth Hewitt
Visit for more information and to make a donation.