yoga therapy
Private yoga therapy sessions are available in your home or at the locations listed below in and around the Los Angeles area.
Please complete the new student evaluation form at the bottom of this page if you wish to book an initial assessment and evaluation. Please call 310-800-8614 or email: if you have any questions or need additional assistance.
Integrated Yoga Therapy with Garth Hewitt
Miss Melodee Dance Academy
Tarzana Village Shopping Center
18729 Ventura Blvd.
Tarzana, CA 91356
Arbor Vitae Wellness Center
1821 Wilshire Blvd Suite 501
Santa Monica, CA 90403
RockIt! Dance Studio
31320 Via Colinas #108
Westlake Village, CA 91362
What is yoga therapy?
“Yoga therapy is the adaptation of yoga practices for people with health challenges. Yoga therapists prescribe specific regimens of postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques to suit individual needs. Medical research shows that Yoga therapy is among the most effective complementary therapies for several common aliments. The challenges may be an illness, a temporary condition like pregnancy or childbirth, or a chronic condition associated with old age or infirmity.”
— Dr. Robin Monro, Ph.D. Yoga Biomedical Trust
“Yoga therapy consists of the application of yogic principles, methods, and techniques to specific human ailments. In its ideal application, Yoga therapy is preventive in nature, as is Yoga itself, but it is also restorative in many instances, palliative in others, and curative in many others.”
— Dr. Art Brownstein, M.D.
“The use of the techniques of Yoga to create, stimulate, and maintain an optimum state of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.”
— Dr. Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph.D.
How can yoga therapy help you?
Yoga in general can help you reduce stress, cultivate a peaceful state of mind, increase balance in your life and help you create an overall sense of well–being. Yoga Therapy additionally can help if you suffer from chronic pain, have a debilitating disease, are dealing with age related degenerative conditions, are working with injury rehabilitation and if you are a woman who is pregnant, suffering PMS, during menstruation or going through menopause.
Specific conditions in which Yoga Therapy has been proven to be effective as
a treatment:
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System:
Back, knees, arthritis
Diseases of the Circulatory System:
High blood pressure, heart disease
Diseases of the Endocrine System:
Diabetes, Obesity
Mental Health:
Anxiety, depression
Diseases of the Respiratory System:
Allergies, asthma, bronchitis
Diseases of the Digestive System:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, heart burn
Diseases of the Nervous System:
Tension headaches, Migraines
Feminine Only – Conditions:
Menstrual cramps, PMS, menopause
student testimonials
“Garth has helped my neck condition tremendously. Living with neck and arm pain can consume your entire thought process over a daily basis – and after two surgeries I thought I had NO where to go that could help me. Garth developed a personalized program of modified poses that I could do without pain, and take my progress step-by-step until I was feeling a lot better and not really thinking about my condition anymore. I thought that I could never again be involved in athletics but I was wrong! He is a miracle worker!”
“Although originally reluctant to try yoga therapy, I now know it is the best choice to help me with my shoulder injury. I saw great improvement right after my first session with Garth. Before that, driving 10 mins to work was very painful. The day Garth showed me my program, I was able to drive for 2 hours without pain. Overall, my daily life went back to normal very quickly after I began practicing my program. It has also helped me uncover daily habits that were contributing to my injury outside of yoga. Besides helping me heal, yoga therapy is strengthening my practice. Now I know how to use my muscles more efficiently to prevent future injury. I also now have personalized exercises I can go to anytime I’m unable to do certain poses during class while I am still healing. Thanks Garth!””
“As a former gymnast and dancer I appreciate Garth’s yoga methodology. In following his practice I am able to connect with my body in a way that is reminiscent of the sport and art forms which I have formerly studied. His classes are athletic and challenging, yet soulful without unattainable existentialism. Garth focuses on opening up different joints and muscle groups each week which seems to not over tax certain volatile areas of my body. In two weeks practicing yoga therapy in private lessons with Garth I have also noticed a significant decrease in lower back and psoas pain which has inhibited my involvement in other activities for well over a year. ””
“Pregnancy is not always that “glowing” experience depicted on the covers of glossy magazines. The changes you go through are often uncomfortable and frustrating. Continuing my practice with Garth helped me work through the discomfort. Although some days it was difficult to get moving, I always felt better after class. I was able to practice, with modifications suggested by Garth, up until the week I delivered. This helped me keep my strength up for my 36 hours of unmedicated labor. The nurses were all very impressed at how calmly I handled my back to back contractions lasting 5 minutes at a time. The breathing exercises they teach in prenatal classes did not help me at all. Instead I went back to my yoga breath to bring courage back into my mind. I credit my physical strength from a strong yoga practice for how quickly my body recovered from the surgery. I truly believe that the yoga practice I learned from Garth helped me through those tough times.””
Quotes from Industry Professionals
“Garth Hewitt is a shining star graduate of the Yoga therapy Rx program.””
“Garth is one of the best living examples and teachers of yoga! He is also extremely friendly, warm, welcoming, and I really appreciate that he makes an effort to create a personal connection.””
“Garth is a serious student of yoga. He knows his anatomy and biomechanics which is rare to find amongst the hundreds of yoga teachers in LA.””
New Student Evaluation Form
This confidential questionnaire is designed to help to determine the best possible course of treatment for you.
Please take your time and fill it out as completely and accurately as possible. Thank you.