New Years eve

Happy New Year to Everyone! 

Happy New Year to Everyone! 

Happy New Year to Everyone! It’s been an incredible 2019! I hope you all had a great holiday and your 2020 is starting off in the right direction. Did you set an intention? What old habit isn’t serving you that you want to let go of and leave behind this year? What seeds did you plant for the new year?

Our master teacher, Sri T. Krishnamacharya, the teacher of several of my teacher’s says, “Yoga is the practice of replacing old patterns that aren’t serving you, with new patterns that will lead you in a more positive direction”. What are your old patterns that aren’t serving you? How are you getting in your own way? It’s time to make some changes. Now, is the time for yoga. It is up to you to do the work. It is your responsibility to shift your perspective. The ego part of us says, ‘I want the world to change for me’. One of my teacher’s used to call this the “Arrogance of specialness”. Yoga says, ‘Change your relationship to your Self and your relationship to the whole world changes. Shift your perspective and you will have a different experience of the world’. There’s a well known modern quote that I love that explains this well. “Yoga isn’t about making the waves go away. It is about learning how to surf”. The teacher can show you the door and encourage you to follow them down the path but you must decide to follow them. You must decide to walk through the door. It’s time to wake up, everyone! Are you still running into the same brick wall? Maybe there’s a better way. Where do you want to go? What shift do you want to make in your life? Create a simple statement. Repeat it to yourself over and over again. Try to see it already happening. You’re already there. You’re already living this intention.
I have just finished leading an incredible yoga retreat in Thailand. It has been such a memorable experience. Thank you to everyone who joined me walking this path in 2019. I look forward to our continued practice together this year. I hope to see you in a class, workshop, on a future retreat, or in an upcoming training program.
Lots of love to you and best wishes to you and your family!