
Galapagos Islands - Day 7!

Galapagos Islands  - Day 7!

This was our last day to explore the islands. The trip had started off feeling like it was going slow and then a few of the days just flew by and suddenly we were on our last day. We had bonded so much as a group. It had been such an amazing time together on the islands. I was going to miss this Galapagos Islands family and our home away from home at Semilla Verde.

Savasana, Sense Withdrawal, Taking the Mind Inward.

It’s one of the most important poses in a yoga class and often one of the most misunderstood poses. The Final Resting Pose. Savasana.

My teacher, Sri Dharma Mittra, includes savasana in the category of the eight essential poses in yoga. Dharma is well known throughout the world for being a master teacher and having created the asana chart, which hangs on many studio’s walls, featuring Dharma in 908 asanas. According to Dharma, though, there are just eight ESSENTIAL poses: Head Balance, Shoulder Stand, Fish Pose, Lotus Pose, Cobra Pose, Seated Forward Fold, Seated Twist and The Final Resting Pose.

Your Energy Affects Everyone Around You

Your Energy Affects Everyone Around You

Your energy affects everyone around you.

If you choose restraint you encourage others to restrain themselves. If you choose to stay calm and focused in the middle of intensity then you encourage others to choose to remain calm and focused in the middle of intensity.

In yoga, as a yoga teacher, I watch this happen all the time and it’s fascinating. When the group is focused and present (even newer students who have trouble staying focused and staying present), get caught up in the group energy and are pulled along. Everyone stays focused.

The reverse is also true. When several new students are in class together and are unable to focus and unable to stay calm in the middle of intensity, the whole class starts to become distracted. Everyone gets caught up in the group energy and pulled along. Sometimes even the strongest students get caught up in the distraction and are unable to stay focused and present.