Wonderful week in Shanghai at Space!

Thank you to all the students who came to practice with me this past week. You really went into the fire! I enjoyed sharing these teachings with you. My teachers would be very proud of you. Some great conversations and questions after class. Thank you for being so curious and for doing the deeper work. It’s easy to get distracted by the fancy Asanas or the superficial shape of the body. If you are only focused on the physical you are missing what the technology of yoga can really provide — peace of mind. Train your mind to concentrate, learn to let go of the distractions of the mind. Sit in the stillness of the present moment and breathe. Breathe into the pose. Breathe into the discomfort. Breathe into the moment. Breathe into your life! You don’t get this moment again. Don’t miss it by being caught up in your head. There is no “there” to get to. You are already “there”. You are right here, right now, in this moment. You are not your thoughts. The yogis would say — you are the space between the thoughts. I love helping new students learn how to practice and I love being able to teach the bigger picture of yoga to those who have only explored yoga exercise. The Space students were so open and receptive and hungry for knowledge this week. And it was so fun to see so many of you again. Grateful for all of you for your hard work and for being so receptive. We are building a nice community. I look forward to continuing with you on this journey. More to come. It was fun! See you on my next trip back to Shanghai! Wu Ji Festival next month!!!