Really fun Shiva Power class at Aroma Yoga in Zhuhai!

What a great group of students. A very hot and sweaty class. We went deep into the fire. My dharma talk at the beginning of class was all about tapas. There’s no yoga if it’s not challenging. What is challenging is different for each of us. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. Focus on your practice. Work hard and get out of your comfort zone. You have to work out of your comfort zone. It’s supposed to be challenging. Yoga is not about being comfortable. It is about sitting in the discomfort, staying calm, staying present, looking at the things that come up for you, and practicing letting them go. Are you fighting your way through your class? Or are you breathing into it? Are you fighting your way through your life? Or are you breathing into it? Keep it light. Keep it fun. But don’t turn the heat down. Go towards the fire. Don’t run away from it. Thank you, everyone for going into the fire with me!!! Such a wonderful experience sharing the teachings with you. Thank you to Yan for inviting to teach at your studio. And thank you to Stella for organizing and translating. Namaste.